Welcome to the Greco Lab
Stem Cells in Organ Regeneration
Yale University
In the Greco Lab our goal is to define how tissues maintain themselves throughout the course of our lives in the face of continuous cellular turnover, frequent injuries, and spontaneous mutations. To do so we have developed scientific processes and novel tools that scientists use to integrate imaging of stem cells in their niche in live mice with both genetic and cell biological approaches, allowing us to understand the complex orchestration of tissue regeneration using the skin as a model system. Our collective scientific discoveries are driven by our commitment to create a stimulating academic environment where we focus on doing good, collaborative science through promoting INCLUSIVITY within the scientific community (within and outside our lab), prioritizing MENTORING our trainees’ scientific growth, and striving to make SCIENCE accessible to everyone. We are creating a community of scientists that is committed to an ongoing examination of the ways in which individuals and institutions, intentionally and unintentionally, exclude and marginalize talented people because of aspects of their identity, including but not limited to age, sex, race, ethnicity, physical abilities, sexual orientation and gender.